Interested in selling shirts?
We are currently working on turning the website into a marketplace so that you can sign up for your own account and sell shirts, If you are interested you can contact us: @footymerch (twitter) or buysellfootballshirts (instagram)
Contact us
buysellfootballshirts authentic original jerseys
At we have a huge selection of vintage, classic, retro and new football shirts from the 70, 80s, 90s and 00s for sale.
These are not retro reproductions or fakes - but rare, genuine, original, classic football shirts from clubs all round the world.
We don’t just have outfield shirts but also goalkeeper jerseys,
tracksuits and training wear. Our superb range of retro football shirts
includes clubs from around the world: Premier League, La Liga, Bundesliga, Serie A and International teams including World Cup Shirts
We have vintage football shirts coming in all the time so keep visiting the site to see our home page
As well as giving nostalgic supporters an opportunity to own a piece of
their club’s past, classic football shirts are also great investments.
Can’t find the shirt you’re looking for? Then contact us and we’ll do our best to find it.
We are also always looking to buy good quality, original retro football shirts
so if you do have any for sale please tell us about them. Take a step
back into football past with buysellfootballshirts and browse the
website now to find classic, 100% original soccer shirts.